General mechanics (2)

Part 2

Annie Lennox composed ‘Sweet Dreams’. I’ve always loved one line of this song: «Some of them [dreams] want to use you.» I guess this line has helped shape my thoughts about the soul of people.

I was born in 1992 in Bangkok. I grew up with 4 brothers and sisters. One of them studied music and became a star in symphonic music. Many people referred to her as «the last star in the world». She taught me how to create music when I was 8 years old. I hated it at the time, but today I appreciate everything about music creation. She also taught me something interesting about how people feel different things when listening to the same music. The same piece of music can be annoying for one person and enjoyable for another. You might think, «Yes, it’s obvious, people can have different tastes,» but have you ever wondered why?

I started my research about 10 years ago and made a significant discovery: people are influenced by various factors in their perception of music.

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